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  • Germán Mora
  • Germán Mora

    ProfessorEnvironmental Studies

    Germán Mora is a Professor of Environmental Studies at Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. He completed a Ph.D. in biogeochemistry, with a specialization in past climate changes and stable isotope geochemistry at Indiana University. Prior to arriving at Goucher, he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Johns Hopkins University, working on geo-biological research, and taught at Iowa State University and Montgomery College. At Goucher College, he teaches a broad range of survey and thematic courses that address the intersectionality of science and society in regards to understanding and addressing environmental issues. His research explores the effects of urbanization on water quality and the provision of ecological services, shifts in the water cycle as a result of past climatic events, and more effective pedagogical strategies to improve environmental literacy.

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    Mora, G., Carmo, A.M., and Elliott, W. (2021), Homeostatic response of Aptian gymnosperms to changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  Geology, 49, 703-707.

    Mora, G. and Blaser, L. (2020), Effect of catchment lithology on dissolved inorganic carbon budgets in suburban streams of Baltimore, Maryland, during rainfall minima. Geosciences Journal, 24,85-96.

    Mora, G. (2019), Effect of fading scaffolds on the mastery of scientific abilities in inquiry-based laboratory exercises of a college-level environmental science course. Journal of Geoscience Education, 67(1), 50-63.

    Mora, G. and Zanazzi, A. (2017). Hydrogen isotope ratios of moss cellulose and source water in wetlands of Lake Superior, United States reveal their potential for quantitative paleoclimatic reconstructions. Chemical Geology, 468, 75-83.

    Dvorak, M., Mora, G., Graniero, L., & Surge, D. (2016). Carbon and nitrogen tracers of land use effects on net ecosystem metabolism in mangrove estuaries, southwest Florida. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 181, 14-26.

    Mora, G., (2013), The Need for Geologists in Sustainable Development. GSA Today, 23, 23–37.

    Heimann, A., Spry, P.G., Teale, G.S., Leyh, W.R., Conor, C.H.H., Mora, G., and O'Brien, J.J., (2013), Geochemistry and genesis of low-grade metasediment-hosted Zn–Pb–Ag mineralization, southern Proterozoic Curnamona Province, Australia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration,128, 97–116.

    Exhibits or Performances

    Mora, G., 2019. Case studies to improve students' understanding of the Nature of Geological Science. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona.

    Mora, G., 2018. Use of a mechanistic model to infer accurate paleoclimatic information from moss cellulose D/H ratios: example from Lake Superior swales. American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C.

    Raich, J.W. and Mora, G., 2018. The 13C content of soil-respired CO2 varies with temperature in C3 but not C4 grasslands in central Iowa. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Tucker, K.P., Roche, B., Dahl, E., and Mora, G. 2017. Baltimore Environmental Exchange: Professional development and network for capacity building in climate science education. PKAL Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.

    Mora, G., 2015. Pace at which students master scientific abilities in scaffolded laboratory assignments of an introductory environmental science course. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.661.

    Fazekas, M. and Mora, G., 2014. Abundance and characterization of dissolved organic carbon in suburban streams of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

    Fazekas, M. and Mora, G., 2013. Comparing degassing rates of carbon dioxide from first order streams in suburban Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.664.

    Mora, G. 2012. Transport and transfer of carbon to the atmosphere by small streams exhibiting different levels of urbanization in suburban Baltimore, Maryland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 44, p.608.

    Blaser, L., Everett, A., and Mora, G., 2011, Geochemical study of small streams in the Baltimore area suggests enhanced carbon export from urban settings. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43, p.165.

    Mora, G., 2010, Two active learning techniques promoted student learning of introductory Earth Science concepts but failed to improve metacognitive skills. EOS, American Geophysical Union.

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    Mora, G., 2015. Pace at which students master scientific abilities in a scaffolded laboratory assignments of an introductory environmental science course. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.661.

    Fazekas, M. and Mora, G., 2014. Abundance and characterization of dissolved organic carbon in suburban streams of Baltimore, Maryland, USA. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

    Fazekas, M. and Mora, G., 2013. Comparing degassing rates of carbon dioxide from first order streams in suburban Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45, No. 7, p.664.

    Mora, G. 2012. Transport and transfer of carbon to the atmosphere by small streams exhibiting different levels of urbanization in suburban Baltimore, Maryland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 44, p.608.

    Blaser, L., Everett, A., and Mora, G., 2011, Geochemical study of small streams in the Baltimore area suggests enhanced carbon export from urban settings. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 43, p.165.

    Mora, G., 2010, Two active learning techniques promoted student learning of introductory Earth Science concepts but failed to improve metacognitive skills. EOS, American Geophysical Union.

    Mora, G., 2009, Peer instruction improves students’ understanding of geoscience concepts. National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Eastern Section Meeting.

    Academic or Professional Associations

    Geological Society of America
    American Geophysical Union